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How the U.S. Cold War Radiological Weapons Program Exposed Innocent Americans

Trailer for Target St. Louis Vol 1: a Damien Smith Film Based on Dr. Martino-Taylor's Research
Lisa Martino -Taylor
Dr. Lisa Martino-Taylor is a public sociologist at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Dr. Martino-Taylor has worked on issues of heavy metals poisoning in Herculaneum, Missouri, testified before Congress in Lima, Peru about the lead poisoning of children by the Doe Run Mining Company in La Oroya, worked with residents near Times Beach and in Ellisville, Missouri regarding dioxin and PCB contamination related to Agent Orange production, and organized and engaged in ethnographic research in Ferguson, Missouri. Martino-Taylor earned her doctorate in Sociology at the University of Missouri-Columbia and researches issues related to social and environmental justice, inequality, social movements, elite deviance, and U.S. military development and testing of chemical, biological and radiological weapons. Martino-Taylor serves on the Board of Directors of the Radiation and Public Health Project in New York.
Behind the Fog
Published by Routledge, Behind the Fog is the first in-depth, comprehensive examination of the United States' Cold War radiological weapons program. The book examines controversial military-sponsored studies and open-air field trials using radioactive "simulants" that exposed American civilians to radiation and other hazardous substances without their knowledge or consent during the Cold War in violation of their civil and human rights. The book documents the coordinated efforts of a tight-knit group of military scientists who advanced a four-pronged secret program of human-subject radiation studies that targeted unsuspecting Americans for Cold War military purposes.
How The US Cold War Radiological Weapons Program Exposed Innocent Americans
In September of 2012 I presented a colloquium on the preliminary research findings from my University of Missouri- Columbia doctoral dissertation, The Manhattan-Rochester Coalition, Research on the Health Effects of Radioactive Materials and Tests on Vulnerable Populations without Consent in St. Louis. The media attention resulting from the presentation was far beyond anything I expected, and the story was reported nationally and internationally. Many people from St. Louis and around the world were interested and concerned about the covert military studies that were the subject of my research. Now five years later I continue to receive inquiries. Behind the Fog is the result of five years of additional research that presents new findings, greater context, and additional evidence as to how the US military exposed vulnerable populations to radiation and other harmful chemicals during covert testing to develop radiological weapons.
I am grateful that Routledge has provided a platform to present the results in a research monograph, which will answer at least some of the questions presented to me over the years, as well as generate new inquiries that will lead to further investigation by myself and others. As a public sociologist I strive to make my research publicly-available at no cost wherever possible. My original dissertation was and continues to be an open-access document. In the spirit of public and community sociology it is my hope that this book will be made available in as many public libraries as possible in order to allow greater access to the information regardless of income. If you have an opportunity to do so please request that your local library add Behind the Fog to its collection.
Lisa Martino-Taylor
New 2022: Living and Working in a Protest Zone: State Deployment of Chemical Weapons on Bystanders and Journalists in US Communities
New 2021: Expanded Perspective and Elite Disobedience: The Case of Air Force Major Michael William Devlin
Upcoming Events:
O'Fallon Public Library
O'Fallon, Illinois
6:30 pm March 13, 2023
Sponsored by: SIUE Lifelong Learning Institute
St. Louis Public Library
Central Library Auditorium
1301 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
1:30 pm Saturday, October 1, 2022
Film Screening of Target St. Louis Vol 1
Panel Discussion After Film
Edwardsville Public Library
Edwardsville, Illinois
6 pm Thursday, September 22, 2022
Radiation Warfare: Cold War Military Experiments in North America
Sponsored by: SIUE Lifelong Learning Institute
St. Louis University
Cook Auditorium
6 pm Saturday, June 11, 2022
Film Screening of Target St. Louis Vol 1
Panel Discussion After Film
Omnimax at the St. Louis Science Center
7:00 pm Friday June 3, 2022
Stranger Things: Secret Cold War Military
Experiments in the United States
Screening of Target St. Louis Vol. 1:
St. Louis International Film Festival
Brown Hall Washington University
November 5, 2021 at 7:30 pm
Research Presentation:
State Secrets: A Case Study of Conscience in the U.S. Military's Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Weapons Program
Sixteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
July 2021
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford, United Kingdom
To schedule a lecture or speaking event:

Dr. Lisa Martino-Taylor St. Louis Science Center